Knowledge Notes
Occasional notes on calls, events, publications, and more that caught our attention.
- “Language in the Global History of Knowledge”. Workshop at the Centre for the Historiography of Linguistics, KU Leuven. Online, April 29–30, 2:00–5:00 p.m. in Belgium.
- “Transmission of Intelligence and Information: A History of Artificial Intelligence”. Zoom lecture by Rudolf Seising (Deutsche Museum), and part of the GHI Washington lecture series “‘The spirits that I called’: Artificial Life from the Enlightenment to the Present.” April 29, 2:00 p.m. ET.
Positions, Internships, Etc.
- The next round of GHI internship applications are due on June 1, 2021. Currently, these are occurring online, but that could change in 2022.
- The JHI Blog (Journal for the History of ideas) is seeking contributing editors, usually graduate students and early career scholars.
- Junior and senior fellowships in “Transformations in Science and Technology” and “Mediating and Representing Complexities and Complex Findings in Science and Technology,” November 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022, in Aachen Germany at Käte Hamburger Kolleg Cultures of Research. Application deadline: May 15, 2021.
- Call for Papers for the Conference Science and the State Governmental Research in War and Peace during the Twentieth Century, March 3–4, 2022, Bielefeld University. Proposal deadline: August 31, 2021.
- Doing The Global Intellectual History of Social Movements. Workshop funded by the Graduate School Global Intellectual History (Freie Universität Berlin / Humboldt-Universität Berlin), August 19–21, 2021. Proposal deadline: May 25, 2021. Tiffany N. Florvil will be giving the keynote lecture.
- The History of Knowledge and the History of Education with Tamson Pietsch and Joel Barnes, episode 2 of the History of Education Society UK Podcast
- Bridging the Gaps: A Portal for Curious Minds. Included is an episode with Jürgen Renn (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) on “The Evolution of Knowledge.”
- “The ‘How’ of ‘How-To?'”—Handbooks and Knowledge Democracy with Mathias Grote and Elaine Leong, episode 4 of Science Social.
- In Theory: The JHI Blog Podcast.
We thank Yella Nicklaus and Miriam Ristau for helping to assemble this list. Please email your tips to or tweet them @histknowledge.
Image credit: Union Iron Company, Buffalo, New York, via New York Public Library Digital Collections,
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Editors (April 21, 2021). Knowledge Notes. History of Knowledge. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from