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Knowledge Notes

Occasional notes on calls, events, publications, and more that caught our attention. Please tweet or email us your own items.

If you are going to the American Historical Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia from January 5-8, 2023, please look for Section 128, “Infrastructure, Knowledge, and US Imperialism in the Americas, c. 1890-1970,” Friday, January 6th, 3:30-5, in the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. It will feature a presentation by GHI Research Fellow and History of Knowledge Blog editor Mario Peters, “The Intercontinental Railway and the Contentious Production of Knowledge,” as well as one by GHI Research Fellow and Migrant Knowledge Blog editor Andreas Greiner, “Grounding Aviation Knowledge: Pan-American Airways’ Airfields as Sites of Knowledge Production and Transfer.” This blog will offer an overview of other history-of-knowledge themed panels at this event at the start of January.

CALLS (for abstracts, papers, presentations, etc.):

“Technik in Bewegung – Shifting Technology,” May 12-14, 2023, in Wuppertal. Deadline January 8, 2023. This conference is built on the insight that shifting technological infrastructures can transform epistemological and other spaces.

Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB), Bd. 29 (2023), Deadline January 15, 2023. Call for abstracts for the thematic focus “Temporalitäten. Zur Geschichte des Verhältnisses von Erziehung, Zeit und Zeiten”, as well as a call for articles for the general part of this journal on the history of education.

“Mapping Multilingual (Counter-)Expertises: Scientific and Political Knowledge Production across Borders in the Long Twentieth Century,” August 23-23, 2023, St. Andrews. Deadline January 30, 2023.

“Afterlives of the Gregorian Sacramentary: Latin Mass Books and the Organization of Liturgical Knowledge (c.850-1200),” September 6-8, 2023, Regensburg. Deadline February 15, 2023.


“Wissen speichern. Wissen nutzen. Mittelalterliche Rechnungsbücher und digital humanities,” December 2-3, 2022, Kiel.


A review of R. Wichum et al., eds. Zur Geschichte des digitalen Zeitalters, a history of the digital age.

A review of A. Hiatt, ed. of Cartography between Christian Europe and the Arabic-Islamic World, 1100–1500.

A review essay (in German) on Wolfgang Knöbl’s Die Soziologie vor der Geschichte: Zur Kritik der Sozialtheorie by Timo Luks, among other things, examines the anchor points and research perspectives that history and sociology share.

For knowledge of migration regimes in Switzerland (in German): K. Espahangizi, Der Migration-Integration-Komplex, review at H-Soz-Kult.

For knowledge of childbirth in the 17th century, there is a new bilingual edition of a French midwife’s epistolary treatise, The Art of Childbirth, by Marie Baudoin, translated and edited by Cathy McClive. See the featured image for the cover.

CALLS (for applications for fellowships, jobs, prizes, etc.)

Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme 2023/24. These fellowships are for “doctoral students who carry out research into the history and culture of Central European Jewry.” Deadline February 1, 2023, for fellowships beginning in October 2023.

Jürg Breuninger-Promotionsstipendium This scholarship is intended to promote doctoral research in the history and impact of National Socialist crimes, and especially the Holocaust. Deadline January 15, 2023.

Gerda Henkel Fellowship “Digital History.” This fellowship is also associated with our host institution, the German Historical Institute Washington. Deadline January 15, 2023, for fellowships beginning September 1, 2023, in Washingon, DC. “This fellowship aims to connect scholars from Europe to digital history in the United States. The fellowship is intended to support a junior scholar working in the field of digital history or a junior scholar with less experience in digital history but interested in learning new research methods.”

Peter Haber Preis für Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft. Deadline January 16, 2023. Also affiliated with the German Historical Institute Paris. Will be awarded to three outstanding and innovative projects within digital history on March 14, 2023. Poster presentation required.


Position as head of the department of “Forschung und Dokumentation” (Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen), from March 1, 2023, in Lohheide. Deadline Dec. 31, 2022.

5 doctoral positions in “Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities” (MPIWG Berlin) to begin September 1, 2023. Deadline January 15, 2023.

Thanks to Jonathan Batz for his help in compiling this list. Featured image: cover of The Art of Childbirth: A Seventeenth-Century Midwife’s Epistolary Treatise to Doctor Vallant. A Bilingual Edition, by Marie Baudoin, edited and translated by Cathy McClive.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Editors (December 20, 2022). Knowledge Notes. History of Knowledge. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from

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