Living on Credit: Student Debt in the U.S. History of Knowledge
Presents insights on student debt from the author’s book, Leben auf Kredit, which examines various forms of precarious debt in the US from the end of slavery to the present.
Research, Resources, Perspectives
Presents insights on student debt from the author’s book, Leben auf Kredit, which examines various forms of precarious debt in the US from the end of slavery to the present.
Reflects on how to use virtues as a lens in historical research, i.e., to ask what virtues underpin scholarly and political discourses and practices.
From Interest in Latin America to Contested Latin American Studies Research on Latin America has long been a tradition in Germany and especially in Berlin, with interest dating back to Alexander von Humboldt’s expeditions...
The History of Knowledge will be featured in several panels at the 136th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association in Philadelphia from January 5-8, 2023. If you’ll be attending, please check out some...
A Frontier in the History of Knowledge In September 2021, Peter Burke gave a talk at Lund University in which he spoke about the challenges that historians of knowledge face as we attempt to...
“We are building a socialist order for the happy present and future of today’s and future generations.” This is what Václav Nosek, the Minister of the Interior, told his fellow party members at the...
As historian of science Lorraine Daston recently remarked, COVID-19 has thrown us back into a state of “ground-zero empiricism.” The manifold manifestations of COVID-19 and the many unknowns involved are provoking scientific speculation that...
What does citizenship entail? For many it is not just a passive right but rather comprises a more fragile set of practices, duties, and beliefs that need to be reworked and reaffirmed along the...
If you had a conversation about the growing gap between rich and poor almost anywhere in today’s world, you would very likely refer to “the top one percent,” a phrase that evokes the skyrocketing...